My peers and i have been generally discouraging of the stuporfood industry, peddled by death mongering corporate dinner lackeys and served to impressionable, ravenous youth at mainstream outdoor centres. Kurt Hahn would turn in his grave. Part of the pushback has been modeling forage and providing nutritious alternatives from primary ingredients. Onesuch alternative makes use of the ubiquitous stinging nettle, which forms the subject of this blog.
Meanwhile in the United Kingdom
Look at these plucky youthmen & women trying to stem the tide. Like hooded Hans Brinkers, bravely sticking their fingers in the way of progress.
Welcome to the complex ecology of abuse we call the mainstream.
Talk Tidy…
The Summer has yet to offer much opportunity for reflection but there has been more inspiring encounters on our Hearth Tour than we’ve cared to shake a stick at.
This months inspiration comes from an excerpt from David Abram’s ‘Becoming Animal’; which is proving an excellent accompaniment on our working explorations. Enjoy…
Pay it all forward…
For this months inspiration i’m posting a wee video from my teacher and fellow countryman; Mr Ianto Evans and his wife Lynda. Here you go… Whilst, my partner and I won’t be the ones to change the world of planning permission in the UK; we can help pass on the empowerment, intuitive and connective feeling …
‘for my soul river runs deep…’
‘Come into the resurrection of nature… Reside in this environmental nomenclature’ Whilst i sit and contemplate river journeys to come this year; this tale from overseas fires my imagination and kindles my enthusiasm. Engaging, inspired, campfired eloquence. Bardic brilliance for 21st century resilience. I hope you enjoy it too…