After the release from fear that comes with acclimatisation; being in a new place can invoke the power of curiosity.
Tales from the Hebridean Adventure Camp.
Six nights in, it was a calm, contented evening at the Camp of the Shieling. The old stones, tarpaulin and bracken providing shelter from the light breeze, and a fire flickered from the hearth.
the long game
Does Learning Last?
Research is telling us that time in nature is not leisure; it is an essential component for human growth.
Earth Oven Course.
Build with Earth, Bake with Fire!
This popular workshop takes an intensive journey with Earth, Bread and Fire. Expect an illuminating group experience, hearty food and a lot of muddy fun.
Make a super insulated earthen bread oven for home baking with your own hands and feet.
‘Getting it Together’- Tending the roots of resilience.
Youth up my way are slashing & discarding tents, smashing brandy bottles & making unsuccessful attempts at fire. Sound familiar? What kind of cultural inheritance is this? Can we join in?