I’m ready to announce that my apprenticeship with Alaistair Cunningham of Inverness Trees has begun!
Inverness Trees is a small, but active commercial tree nursery selling local provenant trees. Mindfully and unassumably, Alaistair has supplied the likes of the John Muir Trust and Trees for Life as well as private clients and contractors over the years for their reforestation programs. Over the course of the next year I will be taking a hand in the business as well as helping facilitate the volunteer working weeks. Last week was spent strimming one of the terraces in preparation for heeling in some of the winter stock and today cleaning root-trainers.
In parallel to this I will be continuing my learning journey with the mushrooms. In the fullness of time, I hope to diversify the business to combine the trees with mycelia for microfiltration, mycoremediation and mycoforestry purposes.
My hope is that these added value products will help fund the maintenance and development of Anam Cara as well as the by-products being used as exposition and the development of its permaculture practice. I am more than willing for any offers of practical help, teaching or learning in this direction. Equally, if anybody wants to learn from or alongside me then do get in touch. I am on my way, I hope many others are too as trees and mycelia have an active role to play in tending the wild in a resilient region.