page title icon Creating hospitality in inhospitable environments

No sooner had I written the ‘Support’ Page of this site.  I got a call from local practitioner Maeve Gavin who excitedly told me that she was co-facilitating a 10 day vision quest experience with Annie Bloom from the Animas valley institute.

‘Where?’ From a standing camp in undisclosed woodland in the upper reaches of The River Findhorn.  ‘ When?’  October.   ‘Brrrr,’ I thought; ‘maybe she could use some help…

‘Do you need any Support?’ I asked.

‘Yes! Please.’

The participants will embark on a three day preparation period from a standing camp,  go out for some extended static solo reflection time; before returning to base for some integration of the experience.  It is essential that the infrastructure offers the basics of warmth, shelter, a camp kitchen as well as a place for social, group and counselling work.

The lead up to the trip will see me organizing firewood, camp kitchen, a group tent with ‘fire pit’ as well as tying some parachutes for tarpaulins, procuring food and erecting a field kitchen.  Today, with the help of a local contact, we delivered an IBC with 1000 liters of drinking water off road and on-site; at least that’s one of the essentials ticked off the list!

Seen from the perspective of it being an actual soul-based ‘quest’; I feel honoured to support the guides in ‘chopping wood and carrying water’ and the participants in their courageous step.  This is outdoor education on the edge; of a mountain, a river, a forest, of autumn.  Enabling soul based rites of passage; creating hospitality in inhospitable environments is truly helpful and fulfilling work.

I hope to share some reflections on the expedition on my return in a blog post.