page title icon Pay it all forward…

For this months inspiration i’m posting a wee video from my teacher and fellow countryman; Mr Ianto Evans and his wife Lynda. Here you go…

Whilst, my partner and I won’t be the ones to change the world of planning permission in the UK; we can help pass on the empowerment, intuitive and connective feeling of working with this primary material. As well as a practical skill; getting involved with cob prompts other questions and choices often arise..

What is a treadmill? Where do they lead?

Why would i want to get off one?

What benefits would this afford me, my family, my community, my nation?

This year, we will put our hands and feet where our mouths are through our forthcoming ‘Dinky Dwellings’course at a grid reference in Fife (to be announced) and on our Oven tour.

Best wishes.